Does Your Hamilton Company Require a Reliable, Trustworthy Lawyer? Call Upon the Lawyers at Atticus Legal for Friendly, Experienced Service

While media portrayals of the business world tend to focus on high-powered executives wheeling and dealing in tense back rooms, the reality of running a company is much different. While the thrill of a successful deal or the joy that accompanies a year of successful growth is real, there are many requirements businesses must meet to operate lawfully. Not only that, but a company lawyer who knows NZ laws can be a valuable asset when it comes to crafting deals, making agreements, and ensuring that the terms are fair to all parties involved. If your business is in need of assistance with its legal matters, look no further than Atticus Legal.

At our firm, we have a laser-like focus on client satisfaction. What do our customers need? How can we best accomplish the tasks they’ve set before us? These are the questions we ask each time a new company comes to us for legal help. From finalising your acquisition of another company to assisting your business with securing financing, Atticus Legal has lawyers ready to dedicate themselves to delivering the results you need. With the broad scope of our abilities, we hope to become your go-to company lawyers in Hamilton. Here are just a few of the issues with which we can assist your business.

In what areas can our company lawyers help your Hamilton business?

  • Franchise agreements. If you are considering transitioning your business to a franchise model, you will need ironclad franchise contracts. Our company lawyers can go over the terms with you to ensure they are fair to you as well as your franchisees.
  • Distribution agreements. Have a product you want to get to market? Let us coordinate your needs with possible distributors and ensure you price your contracts appropriately, and keep your distribution costs to a reasonable level.
  • Sale of company stock. Offering shares in your company is exciting, but it needs handling correctly. Our lawyers will ensure that everything is done right from a legal standpoint, so you can focus on generating more revenue.
  • Commercial contracts. It’s always a good idea to have a lawyer look over your contracts before signing. Because we keep your interests at heart, we can look at these documents with a critical eye.
  • Compliance advice. Need tips on how to operate within the bounds of consumer law? Don’t hesitate to ask us. We’ll provide our experienced opinion to your company.

Contact us now for more helpful information

The convenience of having your company lawyer in Hamilton, combined with the broad range of areas our firm can service, makes Atticus Legal a top contender for your business. From major to minor action, we can handle the needs of your business without issue. Integrity and clear direction of purpose are top priorities for our experienced lawyers. With reasonable rates and a talent for condensing complex situations down into easily understood scenarios, we believe we offer your business a better service. To discuss our services and how our team can help you, navigate to our contact page now to get in touch.